Get started with our easy-to-use APIs

Cawa’s REST API is designed for building applications that create climate contributions to the high-quality projects we collaborate with on behalf of any employee, customer or your own company.

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Choose a climate project

Use the APIs to see all projects and choose the project that aligns with your business or customers. If you want to use the same climate project for all your contributions, you can set a default project.

API to get climate project info

Create entities

Create (or edit) one or more entities you will contribute on behalf of. Do you want to contribute on behalf of customers, employees or for instance per office building? Our API gives you all flexibility.

API to create entities

Contribute to a climate project

Create a contribution and initiate the transaction to a climate project. You can order a number of kilograms of CO2 or contribute a Euro amount. Optionally you can select an entity you want to contribute on behalf of.

API to create a contribution to a climate project

Get an overview of your contributions

Create a list all your contributions between a date range or get a summary per month. Share your impact with your stakeholders in full transparency.

API to get an overview of contributions

Get your API keys and get started today!